In many organizations and projects, it is easy to get caught between two extremes: visions and goals. Visions can be inspiring but are often too abstract to help us make everyday decisions. Goals, on the other hand, are concrete, but they can be so specific that they don’t work when […]
Being smart isn’t just about IQ – it’s about how efficiently you use your brain. We often get caught up in mental inefficiencies that drain our capacity, slow us down and make us miss connections. But you can rig your own system to think faster, sharper and more strategically. Here […]
When we talk about creating an innovation environment, the focus is often on the wrong things. Many people first think about interior design, technology, and how the space should inspire through its design. But the truth is that the creative process is about the people and culture, not the physical […]
In a world where AI, robotics and algorithmic conflicts shape our reality, there is an increasingly clear need for a different kind of intelligence – living intelligence. It is an intelligence that is not based on processing power or data-driven decision models, but on the principles of interaction with nature, […]
Personal development can be likened to a growing plant. Just as a plant needs the right conditions to thrive, we as humans also need nourishment, direction and patience to grow. In this model, we will delve into the parts of the plant: the root, the seedling, the sun and the […]
To create real innovation in an organization, it is necessary to work with creativity at three levels: individual, group and organization. These levels are not separate, but deeply interconnected, and success requires that we not only work with each of them, but also understand how they affect each other. In […]
Visionary thinking is the driving force behind every great change and innovation. It’s what takes us from what we know to what we haven’t seen yet, but which we feel deep down is possible. It’s about reaching for the stars—imagining something that’s awesome, inspiring, and worthwhile—but also balancing the dream […]
It’s well known in the innovation world that it’s questions, not ideas, that drive real change. Yet it’s surprising how often this is overlooked. Organizations and teams often put a lot of emphasis on brainstorming ideas, but miss what is often the starting point for groundbreaking success: the really good […]
Creating the conditions for innovation is just as important as developing the ideas themselves. But how do we know if an organization has the right conditions to rapidly drive innovation forward? This is where the “Innovation Traction Score” comes into play – a measure that shows how well an organization […]
In a world that is constantly changing, it is the systems that put the common at the center that have the greatest chance of being sustainable in the long term. Setting aside a portion of the profit to benefit some type of community building creates a stability and resilience that […]
In today’s rapidly changing labor market, the need for adaptable, creative and competent employees has never been greater. For many years, the model of a T-shaped competency profile has been the aspirational ideal. The T-shaped individual is a generalist with broad knowledge in many areas, while also having deep specialist […]
Why is it easier to attract change than to force it? Driving innovation in an organization can be challenging, especially when there is inherent resistance to change. Many of us have experienced how difficult it is to try to “push forward” new ideas, to struggle against the wind when no […]
Fisher’s fundamental theorem, originally formulated in evolutionary biology, deals with the relationship between population survival and its genetic variation. In short, the theorem states that the rate at which a population can improve its survival is proportional to the amount of genetic variation within the population. In simlpe words this […]
System innovation is a concept that has become more central in conversations about sustainable development, social change and innovation in general. But working with systems innovation means more than just understanding complex concepts or being fascinated by the overall structure. It requires the ability to navigate between different levels – […]
Innovation is often hailed as the driving force behind progress, disruption, and long-term success in both business and society. But for true innovation to thrive, it requires more than just brilliant minds or cutting-edge technology—it demands a culture where people feel safe, empowered, and encouraged to explore new ideas. A […]
Driving system innovation with multiple organizations is a complex task, but when done right, it can lead to powerful transformations. Whether the goal is reshaping an industry, addressing climate change, or digitalizing a system, success requires collaboration, flexibility, and a focus on common goals. Let’s try to outline some key […]
Strategic thinking is the cornerstone of long-term success in any organization. For a management team, developing this capability is essential for navigating a constantly evolving business landscape. By fostering strategic thinking, your team can identify new opportunities, anticipate market shifts, and create innovative solutions that drive growth. This blog post […]
Effective communication with your management team is crucial for making informed decisions and driving your organization forward. But getting the best insights isn’t just about asking questions—it’s about asking the *right* questions. By framing your inquiries thoughtfully, you can avoid knee-jerk conclusions, open the door to new ideas, and foster […]
Change is a kind of dance between external stimuli and internal motivation. The essence of changing oneself lies in various behavioral factors that drive individuals towards growth and renewal. Exploring these aspects provides insights into the mechanics of change, from the power of direct feedback to self-discipline. The effect of […]
The relationship between diversity and innovation is a fascinating interplay that significantly affects the dynamics of creative processes and problem-solving processes. Let’s explore how diversity catalyzes innovation, tapping into the Medici effect to harness diversity’s potential. The Medici effect: Diversity breeds innovation The Medici effect, coined by Frans Johansson, highlights […]
Innovation is about creating ground-breaking ideas and about the courage to act on them. It is a combination of calculated risk and decisive action that drives progress. Innovation is often synonymous with risk-taking. It is about stepping into the unknown, about the leap of faith that propels us towards new […]
On the journey towards a more sustainable and circular business model, creating a give-and-take arrangement within your company appears to be a simple but smart solution. This approach not only addresses the challenge of excess materials but also fosters a culture of sharing, innovation and knowledge exchange between employees. It […]
In the journey of self-development, the ability to say “no” is an often underestimated yet transformative skill. Far from being a simple rejection, saying “no” is a strategic decision that opens the door to a multitude of “yeses”—affirmations that pave the way for personal and professional growth. But how can […]
The shift towards circular ecosystems presents a complex transformation involving multiple stakeholders. But within a business or organization there is a level of control that allows for the growth of this ecosystem within self-defined parameters. To truly realize the potential of a circular economy, companies must adopt a holistic approach […]
In the fast-paced and competitive world of business, it’s easy to get caught up in short-term gains and instant success. But the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders understand the great benefits of adopting a long-term perspective. While it may seem counterintuitive to think in terms of decades, let alone centuries, […]
In the start-up economy, the once revered model of the “hockey stick” with a huge short-term profit is losing its luster. This outdated mindset of a large amount of profit-money is giving way to a profound change in focus. It is becoming increasingly clear that a large short-term profit that […]
In the world of innovation, leaders are constantly faced with complex challenges where the right way forward may not always be clear. This is where the Cynefin framework, developed by Dave Snowden, becomes an invaluable tool. By categorizing problems into different domains, it offers innovation leaders a structured approach to […]
In the pursuit of positive change, innovation is not limited to technological advances alone. One of the most fascinating approaches to driving behavioral change is to harness the principles of self-organizing systems. Imagine a world where behavioral change to create a better world is not mandatory, but rather emerges naturally […]
In the dynamic world of professional development, assessing one’s or a colleague’s suitability for a work role is crucial. Commitment and competence are two important dimensions that play a decisive role in determining whether someone is suitable for a job or not. In this blog post, we will explore a […]
In the quest to increase innovation within an organization, there are different approaches, each adapted to the unique characteristics of the organization in question. Two commonly discussed methods are top-down and bottom-up. However, there is another method, the Perculator model, which offers some advantages in promoting innovation. The top-down approach […]