Innovation is unintuitive

In a world where conformity often reigns, creativity and innovation stand as rebels against the status quo, defying norms, challenging established beliefs and provoking discomfort before initiating transformation. But the path to true innovation is lined with paradoxes and non-intuitive truths that require exploration and understanding.

If everything feels good, something is wrong

When everything feels comfortable and good, the innovator feels that it is a sign that something may be wrong. True innovation often arises from discomfort or dissatisfaction. Consider the case of Kodak, a company that once dominated the photography industry. Despite its success, it failed to adapt to the digital revolution because it was too comfortable with its existing film-based model.

If everyone agrees, there is too little diversity

Agreement among all often signals a lack of different perspectives on the part of the innovator. True innovation thrives in environments that foster diverse thoughts and opinions. Take the example of the development of the iPhone. Steve Jobs encouraged healthy debate and diverse input within his team, leading to the creation of a groundbreaking product that revolutionized the smartphone industry.

If it’s easy, someone else has already done it

If the innovator finds a solution with ease, it often means that someone else already has that solution. Innovation often arises from the pursuit of complex, challenging problems. SpaceX’s reusable rockets were a feat many thought impossible. Elon Musk’s team tackled the complexities of rocket reusability and achieved what was once considered extremely difficult.

If it sounds good right away, it won’t be heard

If the innovator meets approval when presenting an idea, it creates anxiety. Often the most innovative ideas are initially met with skepticism or resistance. They usually don’t sound impressive or get immediate attention. For example, when Airbnb started, the concept of strangers renting rooms from other strangers seemed bizarre. However, it disrupted the hospitality industry and changed the way people travel.

If it can be planned, it is easy to copy

Plans and strategies can be replicated, but true innovation cannot be easily imitated. Uber disrupted the transportation industry by introducing a concept that was difficult to replicate – a seamless app that connects drivers with drivers. Although the idea seemed simple, its implementation was far from easy to replicate due to the complex infrastructure and market dominance.

But in the midst of these paradoxes lies a crucial truth:

If someone doesn’t like it, then it violates existing systems

True innovation challenges existing systems and norms. The discomfort it causes is often due to its disruptive nature. The advent of electric cars faced resistance from traditional car manufacturers, oil industries and even consumers accustomed to internal combustion engines. However, these disruptions are the catalysts for progress.


Embracing the non-intuitive nature of creativity and innovation requires a shift in mindset. It requires a willingness to step into discomfort, challenge consensus and embrace different perspectives. It’s about paying attention to when nothing is rubbing off and recognizing that true innovation rarely follows a linear, predictable path. Instead, it thrives in the chaos of uncertainty and the courage to challenge the known.

In conclusion, the journey towards genuine creativity and innovation is not intuitive. It requires navigating through discomfort, dissent and complexity. Embracing these paradoxes not only paves the way for breakthrough ideas, but also propels humanity toward a future where innovation redefines what was once thought impossible.