Take leaps for a disruptive circular transformation

In today’s world, there is a consensus that a circular transition is necessary. Both companies and society need to adopt more circular processes and use resources and materials in a sustainable way. While many organizations make incremental improvements, it is important to recognize that moving from a linear to a circular strategy is not just about incremental progress.

To really achieve our goals, we need to fundamentally rethink how things work and build completely new systems. We must explore the disruptivt nature of circular transformation and the importance of experimentation and questioning existing systems to create meaningful change.

Disruptive approach

Most people intuitively understand that a completely new system is required. We have to deal with reverse flows, rethink our practices, collaborate with new partners, explore innovative transport methods, develop alternative payment systems and find new ways of financing, among many other things. Circular transition requires a holistic and comprehensive transformation that challenges the traditional linear models.

Embrace Leaps

Circular transition is inherently disruptive. It requires questioning existing practices and building an entirely new system. However, widespread use of this leapfrog mindset to innovate is not a common practice within organizations. It is more common with incremental logic with small steps that follow each other.

Therefore, we must be prepared for increased experimentation, questioning and playfulness to discover the new systems that will shape our future. In addition, we must counter the forces that resist change or seek to maintain the linear at all costs.

Accelerate the process

The sooner we accept that circular transition comes in leaps and that we are moving towards a new kind of ecosystem, the sooner we can engage in transformative processes that matter more.

By embracing disruption as a force for innovation, we pave the way for an new systems that can take off and drive sustainable change on a larger scale. It is important to change our mindset from incremental improvements to more revolutionary approaches that can reshape our society and economy.


The transition to a circular economy is an urgent and necessary endeavour. To achieve meaningful results, we must recognize that the transition requires a complete overhaul of our systems and practices. Embracing leapfrogging becomes paramount as we challenge conventional thinking and venture into uncharted territory.

Furthermore, by fostering a culture of experimentation, questioning and playfulness in our exploration, we can discover innovative solutions that will pave the way for a sustainable future.

So embrace the transformative power of circular transition and work together to build a world where new kinds of ecosystems can flourish and thrive.