Become Smarter – Three Steps to Streamline Thinking

Being smart isn’t just about IQ – it’s about how efficiently you use your brain. We often get caught up in mental inefficiencies that drain our capacity, slow us down and make us miss connections.

But you can rig your own system to think faster, sharper and more strategically. Here are three steps to take your thinking to the next level:

1. Eliminate information overload

We live in a world where information never ends. Notifications are pinging, social media is scrolling, and your inbox is constantly filling up. The problem is that too much information makes you dumber, not smarter. If your brain is constantly full, there’s no room for deeper reflection or problem-solving.

So how do you deal with it?

Find your balance

Everyone has an individual limit to how much information they can handle before their brain overheats. Is your limit 40% of what you’re normally exposed to? 70%? Think about what feels like an optimal information flow for you.

  • Create systems and filters
  • Turn off unnecessary notifications
  • Limit time on social media
  • Use an interpretation technique: What of what I see/read is relevant to me right now?
  • Have clear rules for what is allowed to take your attention

The goal is to make it normal for you to have space in your head – not for you to constantly drown in the noise.

2. Get answers to your questions immediately

When you come across something you don’t understand – what do you do? Do you spend half an hour looking for the right information, or do you have an effective system to get the answer immediately?

Use AI and search engines strategically

Learn to formulate smart questions for AI and Google. If you become good at asking the right questions, you can get answers in seconds instead of searching for hours.

Build a mental database

The more you can remember, the less time you waste retrieving information. It’s not about memorizing everything, without knowing where to find the right information quickly.

Avoid getting stuck in knowledge gaps

One of the biggest obstacles to smart thinking is having to pause every time you miss an important piece of information. If you have the right setup, you can keep your flow and keep thinking about the next step instead of getting stuck in searching.

3. See connections & understand complexity

The final level is about connecting knowledge. This is where real smartness comes in.

Identify relationships between data

Many people see facts as separate points, but being smart means being able to see patterns and connections. Examples:

  • How does politics affect technological innovation?
  • How does psychology relate to marketing?
  • How does biology relate to AI?

When you practice seeing connections between different subjects, you build a mental structure that allows you to think faster and deeper.

Build systems thinking

Smartness is not just about understanding a single thing – it’s about understanding how different parts affect each other. Systems thinking is the core of innovation. The best innovators are those who can see patterns where others see chaos.

Train yourself to see “beyond the obvious”

If you only think about things as they are presented to you, you will get stuck in other people’s thinking. Challenge yourself to always ask, “What am I not seeing here?

The three steps must work together

The final step – understanding complexity – is what really makes us smarter. But it only works if the first two steps are in place. If you are stuck in information overload or have difficulty finding the right information when you need it, it is like running into a headwind.

Mastering system innovation is about mastering step 3, but without an efficient flow of information (step 1) and quick responses (step 2), it will be almost impossible to succeed.

So if you want to become truly smarter – rig your thinking system.

Also, remember that practice makes perfect. Everyone has different conditions, but everyone can get better. The only question is whether you want to.