Mother nature is your best customer

In the quest to create a sustainable and circular business model, modern companies increasingly realize the importance of making Mother Nature their highest priority customer. As companies navigate the complex landscape of balancing profitability with sustainability, adopting a business model that prioritizes the environment becomes not just a choice but a necessity.

Using tools like the Circular Business Model Canvas for circular business modeling, companies can adapt their strategies with the goal of creating regenerative systems and building circular ecosystems that work in harmony with the environment. Building a culture where mother nature is a persona among the target groups is an effective tool to bring sustainability into the value proposition.

Balance profit and sustainability

In the changing business landscape, companies are challenged to find a delicate balance between profitability and sustainability. However, the traditional notion of profit maximization at the expense of environmental impact is no longer sustainable in the long run. To achieve lasting success, companies must adopt a more holistic approach that integrates environmental stewardship into their core business strategies. Personifying the environment through mother nature makes it easier initially to integrate the environment into the customer process.

Embrace circular business modeling

The Business Model Canvas, a widely used tool for visualizing and designing business models, serves as an invaluable framework for creating circular business models. By transforming traditional linear models into circular ones, companies can identify opportunities to minimize waste, optimize resource utilization and create products and services that contribute to a circular economy. This change involves considering the entire life cycle of products, focusing on design for longevity, reuse and recycling, reducing the environmental footprint. In the Business Model Canvas, you can add Mother Nature among the customer segments and see how it affects all other parts of the business model.

Transition to regenerative systems

Going beyond sustainability, the concept of regenerative systems emphasizes restoring and replenishing natural resources while operating in a circular manner. Companies that prioritize regenerative methods not only aim to minimize damage but actively contribute to the restoration and renewal of ecosystems. This shift in mindset fosters a deeper commitment to caring for and sustaining the environment, benefiting both business and the planet in the long term. Here, the personification of nature in the form of mother nature fulfills a good function in systems thinking.

Building circular ecosystems in collaboration with nature

The future of competitive companies lies in their ability to function in concert with the environment in which they exist. Instead of seeing nature as a resource to be exploited, companies are increasingly realizing the value of building circular ecosystems that mimic natural systems. By embracing biomimicry principles and learning from nature’s efficient and waste-free systems, companies can innovate and create solutions that are not only sustainable but inherently regenerative. Seeing mother nature as a friend in the company’s development opens up a greater receptivity to mother nature’s tools and methods.

Mother Nature as the highest priority customer

At the heart of this transformation is the recognition that Mother Nature should be treated as the highest priority customer. By aligning business goals with environmental priorities, companies can create products and services that meet the needs of both consumers and the planet. This paradigm shift promotes innovation, resilience and long-term profitability while addressing the pressing environmental challenges we face today.


In conclusion, making Mother Nature the highest priority customer is not only an ethical choice; it is a strategic requirement for companies striving for sustainable success.

By adopting circular business models, moving to regenerative systems and building circular ecosystems in collaboration with nature, companies can pave the way for a future where profitability and environmental care go hand in hand.

The businesses that thrive in the future will be those that understand and operate in harmony with the environment they rely on.