In a world where consumerism often drives our purchasing decisions, it’s important to pause and think about the long-term consequences of our purchasing habits. One aspect that is often overlooked is the resale value of the products we buy. Although it may seem trivial at the point of sale, the […]
Monthly Archives: March 2024
3 posts
In a sea of problem solving methods, Systems Thinking stands tall and guides us like a lighthouse through the waters of complexity. One model for systems thinking is the Iceberg Model, a metaphorical tool that reveals the hidden depths beneath the surface of observable phenomena. Yet the real power of […]
In a world that is increasingly uncertain and filled with distractions, finding your way to creativity can feel like navigating a maze. But amidst the chaos, there is a guiding philosophy that not only offers comfort but also fuels the flames of creativity: stoicism. Originating in ancient Greece, Stoicism has […]